Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Bus Wanker

Travelling on the bus can be a funny thing. During the commute your occupy your couple of square feet of fabric and disappear into your own little world.  As a commuter you see the same people every day, we are totally creatures of habit we always sit in the same seats. There is a real cross section of society, young, old, rich and poor alike.  In addition, characters there certainly are some of those.

One of note on my morning journey in to work gives me a smile every day.  He looks pretty close to retirement, an old chap,  he wears the same wax jacket and deer stalker hat every day, whatever the weather,  and he rushes down the aisle before the bus stops having to be the first off the bus, despite it being the last stop on the run.

You barely acknowledge each other despite seeing your fellow travellers daily maybe the occasional nod or smile. The only time we interact is when something happens. Like when the bus is late, the timetable changes or something of note is happening outside the confines of our hardwearing fabric seats.

Do you know what?  I love it, as an ‘observationist’ I find it the most uplifting part of my day,  I even wrote this on my way home occupying my double seat taking in the atmosphere.

I am a bus wanker and proud of it! 
(Just to be clear that doesn't mean I masturbate on the bus, watch the 'inbetweeners')

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